Tuesday 24 November 2015

Media Placemat

Hi all,

Just a reminder that your Media placemat is due this Friday along with it's presentation.

If you would like time in class to work on your assignment, please make sure to bring in materials (i.e. magazines, print sources, etc.) that you can use to cut and paste.  Otherwise, we will continue with the key concepts and you will have to work on your placemat from home.

Thank you,
Ms. Gulian

Friday 20 November 2015

History Quiz

Key Concepts to Study for the History Quiz:

Date of Quiz: Friday, November 27th, 2015 

Chapter 3

The French and the First Nations people 
  • the rise of the British in North America during the 1740s and how the French needed support
  • examples of how the French learned from the First Nations peoples
  • the year that the Great Peace of Montreal was signed and what it was

The Loss of Acadia and Its Aftermath
  • what made Acadia so vulnerable  
  • the dates of the Spanish Succession, what it was, and what the outcome was 
  • the year Acadia became a British colony 
  • the oath of allegiance and why this was introduced 

The Seven Years War (1756-1763)
  • the leader of the British
  • the leader of the French
  • what happened on the Beauport Shore and the outcome
  • Wolfe's plan of attack and the Beauport "feint"
  • what happened at the Anse-au Foulon
  • what happened at the Plains of Abraham and the "thin red line" 
  • the articles of capitulation (numbers 25 & 28)
  • The treaty of Paris (1763)

The Significance of New France
  • the influence of the French on the First Nations peoples and different ways the First Nations had to adapt

Monday 16 November 2015

Monday, November 16th

Hi all,

Just a reminder of tonight's homework:

1. Art: If you haven't done so already, please make sure to watch 3 You-tube videos on two point perspective drawing and complete the handout distributed in class

2. Math: Chapter 4: "Do You Remember" (Pg. 121 #1-7)

3. Sign Math & History Test

4. Bring in non-perishable food items

5.  Have a parent/caregiver sign your agenda to ensure they have seen the blog website

Thank you!

Friday 13 November 2015


Dear Students, Parents & Caregivers,

Welcome to our new class blog!  Just a reminder of this weekend's homework:

History Chapter 3 Response: Express your feelings about the expulsion of the Acadians.  Consider both viewpoints.  Were the British justified in asking for an oath?  Were the Acadians justified in refusing to sign? Explain.

If you haven't done so already, please sign and return Math Chapter 2 Test and History Chapter 1 Test.

Language Poetry Project due Monday.  Please choose two of your poems to present.

Have a great weekend!