Friday 20 November 2015

History Quiz

Key Concepts to Study for the History Quiz:

Date of Quiz: Friday, November 27th, 2015 

Chapter 3

The French and the First Nations people 
  • the rise of the British in North America during the 1740s and how the French needed support
  • examples of how the French learned from the First Nations peoples
  • the year that the Great Peace of Montreal was signed and what it was

The Loss of Acadia and Its Aftermath
  • what made Acadia so vulnerable  
  • the dates of the Spanish Succession, what it was, and what the outcome was 
  • the year Acadia became a British colony 
  • the oath of allegiance and why this was introduced 

The Seven Years War (1756-1763)
  • the leader of the British
  • the leader of the French
  • what happened on the Beauport Shore and the outcome
  • Wolfe's plan of attack and the Beauport "feint"
  • what happened at the Anse-au Foulon
  • what happened at the Plains of Abraham and the "thin red line" 
  • the articles of capitulation (numbers 25 & 28)
  • The treaty of Paris (1763)

The Significance of New France
  • the influence of the French on the First Nations peoples and different ways the First Nations had to adapt

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