Monday 14 December 2015

History Timeline

History Assignment
Create a timeline for:

The Loyalists and British North America

Please visit the website to create your timeline.

The timeline must be created with:

1. Clear and accurate dates
2. Short description
3. Long description of the event
4. 10 entries representing beginning to ending of the time period (see chpt 4)

Assessment will be based on the following:

1. Are dates clear
2. Are descriptions accurate and well organized (spelling and grammar)
3. Are clip arts reflective of the entries
4. Are there 10 entries from beginning to end of period
5. Does the student truly understand the BNA period
Hard copy is due Friday, December 18th.


  1. Whats a hard copy and also, how come its due Thursday and not friday

  2. A hard copy means that I would like it printed out rather than sent via email. As mentioned in class, it is now due Friday.
