Friday 12 February 2016

Recipe Success Criteria

Procedural Writing Success Criteria

Goal: To write instructions that clearly and accurately teach others how to prepare a specific meal.

Success Criteria: I can…

-include a clear title/goal for my procedure (e.g. “How To Make…”)
-include details like hands on time, total time (i.e. hands on time + baking time), number of people my recipe serves
-list specific materials and quantities that are needed for my procedure
-break down my instructions into step-by-step sequence
-number each step and start each step on a new line
-create instructions that are accurate and detailed so that no assumptions need to be made
-use transition words to start each step (first, then, next, after that, etc.)
-use imperative tense verbs (wash, fold, mix, stir, boil, etc.)
-include adjectives and adverbs to clarify my instructions (slowly, carefully, etc.)
-include photos/illustrations of my meal
-include a brief history of my meal (i.e. where did you learn how to cook it, how long has it been in your family, what is the traditional name of your dish, what does it mean, etc.) 

Please make sure to refer to the example of a Lasagna recipe that was distributed in class. 

Just a reminder that you are welcome to bring in a sample of your dish if you wish to do so but it is not mandatory and will not influence your overall mark on the assignment. 

Due Date: Wednesday, February 17th, 2016. 

Tuesday 2 February 2016

History Open Book Test Chapters 6-8

Key Concepts for Ch. 6-8 History Test
(Open Book)

Chapter 6: The War of 1812 (pgs 110-123)
-the major battles of the war of 1812 (Detroit, Queenston Heights, York, Stoney Creek, Beaver Dams, Lundy's Lane & Washington and Baltimore)
-Conditions in the military; life of a soldier 
-the Treaty of Ghent 
-Effects of the war on BNA

Chapter 7: Conflict & Conflict Resolution (pgs 138-141)
-Types of conflict: Wars, Rebellions, Protests & Demonstrations, Strikes

Chapter 8: The Rebellions of 1837-1838 (pgs 148-152, 162-163)
-Democratic governments
-Undemocratic governments
-Government elites
-Economic Decline
-Aftermath of the rebellions 

Date of test: Friday, February 5th, 2016.  

Make sure you bring your notes to school!!  You may only use your notes - no textbook.