Friday 1 April 2016

Geography Questions

Questions that the 5 Themes Answer 

-Where is the place (longitude, latitude, continent, hemispheres)?
-How far way from is it? (travel time by plane, distance in miles or kilometers)?
-What countries are neighbors of the country?

-Describe the place (size, shape)
-What is the climate (temperature, rainfall)?
-What kinds of physical features are there (mountains, rivers, deserts)?
-Describe the people who love there (nationalities, traditions, etc.)

Human-Environment Interactions
-How do people use the land (farming, herding, mining, industry)?
-How have people changed the land?
-Where do most people live (near a river or coastline, in the mountains)?
-Why do you think people settled there (water, safety, food, natural beauty)?

-How will you travel to the place (route, drive, fly, walk)?
-Does the country export goods to other places? If so, what and where?
-Does the country import goods to other places? If so, what and where?
-Why would people leave or move to the country (jobs, family, climate, war)?

-What language(s) do people speak?
-What are the political divisions of the country (states, provinces, republics)?
-How is the country similar to any of its neighbors (traditions, language, climate)?

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